We aim at meeting the requirements specified within the directive on public tenders, approved in 2014by the European Parliament, set against any company willing to participate in the construction work.The herebefore directive recommends application of the BIM modelling in any construction works and undoubtedly, this technology in on the course to become a leading one. Hence, among the selection of services provided by our company we support designing of projects with use of the BIM technology.
Our designing office decided to move with the times and have been exploiting the 3D technology for many years, very often in the most demanding and challenging design projects of sanitary systems. Utilisation of the BIM system allows thorough coordination and coherence of the entire data incorporated. This guarantees even more effective cooperation throughout the whole designing cycle, yet boosts the process of building construction works. In the effect, we are able to greatly decrease the number of possible obstacles that might emerge during the execution of investment, and use the devised model of building during its utilisation.
Though application of the BIM technology we can minimise the number of errors and gaps in the final documentation and most of all offer new, more complex design services. With the implementation of the building modelling system the HVAC-Projekt poses a constantly growing competition to many other, bigger companies, offering sanitary and electrical systems designing services.